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Award in

Basic Barbering



Payment Terms Available

Level 1


In Basic Barbering

(for Beginners or in the case you already have a Certificate in Hairdressing, this Level has to be completed)

Course Description

During this course you will learn all the required Health & Safety Regulations in the Barbering Industry.  Due to the fact that you will be in contact with multiple clients, it is very important to protect both yourself and your client.

To receive an Accredited Certificate in any of the Barbering Levels, you require the Level 1 Certificate.


the course

Due to the vast experience in the Barbering Industry, we will share with you Antonio’s Do’s & Don’ts, meaning that you will learn the TRICK OF THE TRADE to get you to a head start from other Barbering Courses.

You will follow all the lessons in class, you will need to purchase our Barbering Book to follow and to keep for future reference.

Level 1 – There are 7 lessons (of two hours each) to cover all the above modules and you will require a minimum of 8 hours per week as a study period at home (from the Barbering Book).  During your last lesson, you will have an assessment to be able to obtain your Accredited Certificate.

Costs € 1,000 (Payment Terms Available)

*Barbering Book & Personal Kit not Included in the price

Our International Barbering Curriculum for Level 1, will cover the following modules:

  • Health & Safety
  • Science of Hair
  • Hygiene
  • Shampoo / Conditioning
  • Head Message
  • Salon Reception Duties

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